Episode 29 - High Fidelity

Episode 29 - High Fidelity
Film Snuff

The Top 5 reasons that people who are in love with the 2000 romantic comedy-drama, "High Fidelity," need to break up with it:

1. The main character, Rob Gordon, played by John Cusack, is a mopey man-child who doesn't change, but the movie pretends he does.

2. Rob annoyingly talks into the camera the whole time. The makers of this movie have never heard of the fourth wall.

3. The movie is just a series of scenes where Rob whines about breakups.

4. The audience is supposed to want to root for Rob, but they aren't shown anything that makes them want to. In fact, what they are shown makes them want to root against him.

5. Rob makes Top 5 lists about everything.

We discuss which child stars belong in the Haim Grave, Lisa Bonet's Kravitzstonian accent and Bruce Springsteen's cameo as himself, which is one of the most painful and awkward moments in cinema history.

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This episode is sponsored by The Check Your Privilege Foundation.