Episode 87 - Notting Hill

Episode 87 - Notting Hill
Film Snuff

Somehow the 1999 Julia Roberts-Hugh Grant flick "Notting Hill"—which is just the repeated gag of "Holy cow; she’s famous and talking to us!"—was extended into a 2-hour movie that made $364 million at the box office.

This movie also has side bits about how eccentric British people are in this quaint, and down-to-earth super affluent section of London that seems like it's millions of miles away from Hollywood, even though it’s not.

This movie was written by Richard Curtis, the man behind "Four Weddings and a Funeral" and "Love Actually," and it's difficult to differentiate the three, because he’s a hack who pumps out the same schmaltz at every turn.

Hugh Grant plays Will Thacker, a man whose entire personality consists of manufacturing excessive apologies into charm. He owns a failing travel bookstore, which he laments, even though he hates his inventory and all his customers, so what’s the mystery.

Julia Roberts plays a famous bad actress named Anna Scott (quite the stretch for her) who Hugh Grant falls in love with because she's famous. She's basically a robot in this movie who doesn't do much other than be captivated by this bumbling idiot.

Then there’s also a zany roommate, who's basically just a Welsh version of Kramer from "Seinfeld." Oh, and there are other characters who all just complain about their lives and are shown to be in awe of the sight of a famous person in their supposed distant squalor (even though, again, it's super rich London).

Join us as we rank the Baldwin brothers, whether or not the zany roommate is a figment of Hugh Grant's imagination and how this movie is so transparently trying to get credit for disabilities.

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This episode is sponsored by Chuck Lorre’s new TV show, “Fart,” which premieres Thursdays this fall on CBS.